Friday, October 2, 2009

October 1, 2009...the month of change in 09/my 1st blogger post

halloooo everybody!!! this is my 1st officially post on my new blog! behind the scenes i have been workin on this blog for a little while now, and i still have things to do on here such as a blog description, but i'll give u a little preview in this post. pretty much this blog is the raw, real matteo, every time i feel like letting everything in my heart and mind out, there is a good chance it will be on here, this blog is what blogs were rele made for. as for grammar and punctuation ur gonna have to get used to my hugeeeeee sentences and bad internet lingo cause i don't care about that stuff. sometimes i will go back over what i've typed and fix some stuff but not u can see i can type a whole lot. sorry.thank God for spell check tho lol...anyway i picked today October 1st to start this blog, (even tho i know technically i'm into oct. 2nd already, gayyy) because with this new month starting i'm also starting other new things in my life ,and most importantly just getting my life all straightened here is to October 1st and to all the new changes in my life ,i dub thy October as the month of change for 2009. so as u know already in this blog i will be posting about everything that's on my heart when ever i feel like posting...aaaand i will probably also be posting either every day ,about my day, or every week , about my u will be pretty caught up on my life ,if i end up being committed to this thing. and basically with me when i start a new thought or "subject" i will space it out.... so, maybe 1, maybe 2 spaces...dang i can see a lot of this post already goin into my blog description...

so anyway had a nice day today...i got up at 11 watched juventus! v.s. bayren munich, great game even tho it ended old deadpool from like 1998 soooooooooooo good , but 'll get into that in another post...then i went to my neighbor's (who is currently in portugal) pool, it was extremely refreshing...after that i went to go get a sharp haircut, even tho i hate it cause its all gonna grow back in like a week...then i watched some of the most hilarious office and community on tv sooo funny and last but not least i met up with benny and we took a late night trip to wal-mart to get metal gear solid 4 for the ps3 , and he gave me all the new comics that came out! and now I'm on here and about to read some of those comics after this...

so yea my post will go something like that...i hope u all will enjoy, and be ready to hear things that u'd never think of hearing from me cause to me this blog is me, this is as real as it gets, this is the inside scoop on matteo, so if u don't like what u read, don't read it. and that is all i rele got for tonight so i'm gonna keep it classy and close out with my famous...
peace and love- matteo

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